How To Get Zombie gun in Sfg2 (special forces groups 2)

How can We use zombie gun in Sfg2 

There are just Few Steps for using Zombie gun. You should have stable connection and perfect timing for this trick.

We can Use This Trick in any server like Asia, USA, Russia and Europe.


1.) First We have to choose Human in Game but In game you have to be zombie So remember in mind you have to choose that server in which the players are in odd numbers like ( 1,3,5,7,9,11 ). It has 90% chance that you can be zombie in game.

Like i Selected here 5/12

2.) Now wait till next round (end the round)  when the next round came, You'll be zombie and you will see shop icon on top left.

                    Shop Icon on top left

3.) Now Buy any gun whichever you like and stay alive untill next round or you can say You have to hide from all humans in game. Keep moving in every 15 sec otherwise you will be kicked off by server.

I was hiding behind box in Big desert map
4.) When time will be in 14-13 seconds stop moving And get ready for doing trick or getting gun. 😉

Stop moving get ready

5.) At 10-7 second swipe down the Notification bar.
Swipe Down Notification Bar at 10-7 seconds (timer) 

6.) Turn off your data/wifi connection at 0 second as fast as you can at 0 second then count in mind like seconds 1 - 2 - 3 and Done. When you say done at that moment turn on your data or wifi connection.

1, 2, 3 and Turn On Data/wifi connection 

7.) Tada! Now In Next round You'll have gun and you can kill Humans in Game.

NOTE:  This trick is not working in own created server. You can only use it in others servers.

If  you want to see this trick in video you can see here ⇘ 

Or you can search 'abhiloneli zgun' on YouTube or Google. 


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